DC2DInvRes - DC 2D Inversion and Resolution --release notes-- version 2.12.0 (09.09.07) * introduced preview button into inversion options * fixed bug in time lapse inversion with noncoinciding data * export ascii model with topography * introduced vtk export into model menu * fixed bugs in reading and displaying data * solved numerical error arising (very rarely) in sensitivity integration * included more error catches after reading file * unit also appears in export model * fixed error with reading in ves/s2d files * improved speed of 1D forward calculation * removed bug with useless 1D forward calculation before version 2.11.8 (07.09.07) * identical to 2.11.7 just with full installer (no libraries necessary anymore) version 2.11.7 (07.02.07) * removed problems with reading borehole file * fixed a memory bug for big data files * solved bad representation of fix/compound/decoupling markers with topography * fixed bug reading res2dinv files with resistances (general array) * enhanced error estimation (Set/Add error) version 2.11.6 (08.01.07) * minor bug fixing and beautifying * Set/Add button in error estimation * fixed bug for wrong sing with infinite A electrode * enabled reading of tx0 files from Lippmann multielectrode device version 2.11.5 (09.12.06) * now export graphics has again same size as in figure * all date file types are shown for Add Data * improved reading of flw files version 2.11.4 (06.12.06) * enabled infinite electrodes in AMP file * reading in FLW files from geotom device * manual choosing of cluster number (with default optimized value) version 2.11.3 (27.11.06) * improved reading stg (Sting) device files * switched to another (fuzzy) cluster analysis showing the individual results * ip is now part of the cluster Analysis (Model->Blockify) * if present, phases are exported in .mod file (but not imported so far) * export ohm option now keeps ip values version 2.11.2 (15.11.06) * introduced reading seismic line from file as structural information * enabled "as measured" and "reverse" mode in forward options (saves calculation time for data sets with few current or potential electrodes) * fixed hang-up with linear spacing in model parameter * hotfix of possible hang-ups or bad axis labels version 2.11.1 (06.11.06) * added pdf export for File->Export Figure (thanks to epstopdf) * improved roll-along inversion slightly * new (faster and memory conserving) method for importing res2dinv files * code optimization and bug fixing version 2.11.0 (19.10.06) * roll along inversion for very long profiles introduced (Inversion->RAI) * enables sparse sensitivity storage (Options->Inversion: sparsify) saves memory for long profiles, values of 1e-5 to 1e-4 recommended goes not along with full resolution analysis, but single works * slight improvement for reading soundings (s2d) files * changed model building for underwater topography version 2.10.4 (21.08.06) * solved problem with loading parameters/sensitivity * improved display of multiple gradient arrays * minor bug fixing and beautifying version 2.10.3 (1.8.06) * improved soundings(s2d file) read-in and visualization now both resistance or app. res. can be read in (header line) version 2.10.2 (18.07.06) * hotfixes (data display, png export) version 2.10.1 (14.07.06) * reincluded command-line inversion dc2drun * fixed bugs for hole2surface/crosshole data * fixed bug for png export version 2.10.0 (06.06.06) * time lapse option now detects and inverts common configurations * fixed wrong display of difference models (compare model and time lapse) * corrected wrong initial options and last file remembering * added reciprocity to Data->Edit data (if present) * fixed loosing current/voltage when editing data * constraints->underwater option fixes/decouples automatically * fixed bug for subsurface electrodes in 1d cases * data display also for subsurface electrodes * added upper resistivity bound explicitly version 2.9.0 (23.03.06) * minor bux fixing and beautifying * grid auto/on/off option in graphics options * enabled dipole-pole configurations (fixed bug in forward calculation) version 2.8.2 (23.02.06) * fixed bug in reading data file (tabs, current/voltage units) * fixed wrong rms calculation (changes nothing since chi^2 is used) version 2.8.1 (16.01.06) * introduced borehole layer decoupling * introduced constraints menu including: boundary decoupling,resistivity fixing+compounding,reference version 2.8.0 (02.12.05) * fixed time lapse file bug * recognition of reciprocity and treatment in Edit Data * linear z-spacing and x-spacing in model parameter * minor bug fixing and beautifying (dipole pseudosections) * introduced smoothness decoupling (by typing X/Y into resistivity window) * better representation of gradient configuration data version 2.7.4a (26.10.05) * fixed bug in exporting IP model * fixed bug for export ohm with non-monotonic electrodes * fixed bugs in save/load workspace version 2.7.4 (20.10.05) * removed bug always producing sharp boundary between 1st/2nd layer * time lapse option to invert data differences * showing difference model when comparing data * removed some small bugs (2.7.3a-c) version 2.7.3 (03.09.05) * add error dialog when too small values * fixed bug in reading resecs file * enabled export of vtk files (Model menu) * minor bug fixes version 2.7.2 (03.08.05) * enabled Compound regions (type C into resistivity field) * allows Inf values in AMP files * renamed snd-Files in s2d (to differentiate from sound and s3d files) * introduced upper resistivity bound (input after lower bound) * fixed bug in colorbar representation * expanded format to unified data format (see resistivity.net) * enabled resecs ascii output file * fixed bug for Dipole-pole measurements version 2.7.1 (22.06.05) * changed release version system * minor beautifying * enabled reading of snd file consisting of several soundings in lines of: filename position flag (0=Schlumberger,1=right half,2=left half) * changed sensitivity plotting and fixed export version 2.6b2 (08.06.05) * fixed sensitivity bug (symmetry in subsurface electrodes) * cluster analysis for post-blockifying (Shift+B) * completely rearranged the internal system (hopefully invisible) * fixed bug in ohm-export Tape variant version 2.6b1 (25.05.05) * enabled ohm-File output (useful for topo webinv) version 2.6 (30.04.05) * reading of ABEM multi-purpose (.amp) files * rearranged examples directory (rename old dir) * robust data processing and blocky model option * fixed bug creating data (not existing field topo) * fixed bug in model apparency * fixed bug forgetting error estimation version 2.5b1 (07.11.04) * introduced license file check * enabled topography (at this stage only weak transformation) * fixed model opacity bug * changed model representation version 2.4b2 (31.10.04) * introduced error reweighting for robust data processing * removed some warning messages * introduced ip in data create and model edit * introduced enlargment and shift values for enlarged dipoles (Create Data) version 2.4b1 (18.10.04) * minor changes * enabled resistivity fixing * enabled ip data in res2dinv export file * inserted compare IP data version 2.4 (31.8.04) * changed data representation (space-less patches for "full" data) * minor GUI beautifying * fixed bug for small electrode distance data files version 2.3b2 (18.05.04) * created test version * introduced blockify model version 2.3 * changed name to DC2DInvRes * changed behavior of resolution buttons version 2.2b1 (29.04.04) * changed model edit (now easier with with raggedbox) * minor bug fixes version 2.2 (23.04.04) * enabled computation of model cell resolutions without svd * improved CGLSPAR convergence and its waitbar * fixed bugs and visibility version 2.1b (20.04.04) * improved accuracy of forward calculation * enabled read-in of raw data files version 2.1 (30.03.04) * fixed export problems * changed menu slightly * introduced "line search" and "global regularization" inverse options * fixed data representation error * introduced reading in of errors in res2dinv files version 2.0b4 (18.03.04) * introduced misfit into Edit Data (for robust processing) * minor bug fixes version 2.0b3 (23.02.04) * minor bug fixes * introduced three boundary condition variants in GUI (Dirichlet, Neumann, modified Neumann) * changed smoothness constraints 2nd order version 2.0b2 (12.01.04) * install program setup-inv2d.exe * new documentation available * fixed a lot of bugs (esp. newly introduces) version 2.0b1 (07.01.04) * (re-)introduced truncated least squares * enabled choosing for TSVD and TLS * added new figure file (buggy in 2.0b) * enabled fewer measurements than prposed in inv2d-file version 2.0b (05.01.04) * changed menu structure (File,Data,Model,...) * using measured current for error estimate * taking current/voltage as mA/mV if values>10 occur * bug in add data removed * standard z layers slightly changed version 1.6b5(15.12.03) * included ip/chargeability inversion and display (if present) * fixed bug in smoothness constraints (2nd order) * included current and voltage in data files * estimation of geometrical errors (varying electrode positions) version 1.6b4(20.11.03) * displaying circulating data right * read/write data including current and voltage (if present) * displaying number AND positions in data dialog * included import function for 4channel-files * 2 digits for compare model * corrected resolution computation (also for SIRT) version 1.6b3(27.10.03) * introduced model compare function * rounding electrodes for res2dinv import version 1.6b2(15.10.03) * removed some bugs with subsurface electrodes version 1.6b(13.10.2003) * increased flexibility for surface2hole and crosshole data * improved forward calculation (esp. for subsurface electrodes) * Edit Data also for k-factor possible version 1.5b5(09.10.2003) * beautifying (icons, window names, ...) * fixed minor bugs * expanded help menu (help, online help and web inversion) version 1.5b4(06.10.2003) * fixed range constraint hang-up * fixed "matrix exeeds dimension error" in exportfigure * printing model also prints compare window (if open) * also encapsulated postscript(*.eps) possible for printing * fixed error while saving sensitivity file version 1.5b3(18.09.2003) * changed behaviour of inversion options (manual,L-curve,fixed regu) * introduced (test-wise) trusted region line search for one step inversion version 1.5b2(17.09.2003) * fixed bug in Edit data (electrodes are removed, if not used) * changed data representation (pole-dipole, wenner, fontsize=8) version 1.5b(11.09.2003) * explicit definition of reference (or a-priori) model * added "go back to old model" for one steps * added help buttons for all option dialoges * added option combine+delete in parameter reduction * added option for lower resistivity bound (logarithmic parameters) * fixed problem with non-logarithmic parameter inversion %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% version 1.4b3(09.09.03) * taking parameterization from sensitivity file (if present) * changed datum point representation * errors in data file possible as percent * new forward option prolonging background/boundary * new option zmax for logspaces layer creation * included resistivity level in create data set (important for error estimate!) * fixed bug in forward calculation (zrefine>1, layered background) version 1.4b2(04.09.03) * changed sign of data misfit (data-response is more intuitive) * changed (again) definition of chi^2 version 1.4b1(03.09.03) * changed interpretation (and display) of chi^2 * changed (write data) formats (2 digits for all, nicifying spaces) * Added help menu button to display online help * beautifying and display bugs version 1.4 (15.08.03) *changed little, checked much version 1.3b7 (07.08.03) * changed ascii import/export (either midpoint or corner points) * disabled alpha mapping if few resistivities present(modelling) version 1.3b6 (31.7.03) * fixed minor bugs * If "Compare Data" window stays open it gets updated * Changed menu (edit data now under main menu File) * Changed Hotkey (O for Open data file, R reserved for (display)response * included error estimate in Create Data Set Version 1.3b5 (29.7.03) * hourglass mouse pointer when busy * area clicking of model with control(start) and shift(end) Version 1.3b4 (21.7.03) * Option Edit Data (under model) inserted * maximum auto number of layers set to 12 Version 1.3b3 * (Graphics Options) Apply-bug fixed * Bug for deleting data fixed Version 1.3b2 * enhanced 2nd order smoothness constraints * Creation and display of borehole-surface and cross-borehole Version 1.3b * Better display of mixed data sets * Restructured menu * Data set creation GUI * Hotkeys only with Shift+Character * Model importing * Filter factors and transform function %%%%%%%%%%%(3.2.03) Version 1.2 * Completely arbitrary datasets * Import of Loke/Barker files * Graphical Edit and Save/Import of datasets * Error estimation * Model Creation based on dataset * Interactive model edit * Estimation of 1D starting model * Fast and accurate forward calculation with FD * Fast sensitivity calculation * Many options for inversion (smoothness, parameter reduction, ...) * Automatic choosing of regularization parameter * Display of sensitivities, DOI-index, ... * SVD resolution analysis (data efficiency, model resolution, ...) Version 1.2b (20.01.03) * Adding Error Estimate GUI (percent plus umin/I*k) * Options for parameter limitation(combine, delete, nothing) * Options for Weighting matrix (1, Cov, Smoothness) * Output of CHI^2 in addition to RMS * Transport to matlab 6.5 complete %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Version 1.1 (20.12.02) * Resolution matrices basing on regularization * Broyden update for layered (starting) model * Graphics Export as PNG file instead of JPG * borehole electrodes * negative separations possible * forward calculation faster and more accurate * interactive modelling * reduction of parameter possible * fast sensitivity integration by mex function %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Version 1.1b (20.08.02) * Name of file in GUI title * x/m within XTickLabel * number instead configuration factor * general export function * optional filled contour lines * Model export as ASCII * waitbars for all time consuming operations * overwrite protection for all export data * interactive deleting of measured data * included general electrode positioning readin(type 11) * save/load workspace * save/load options * saving sensitivities with x and z and checking when loading * comments in datafile * commas instead of blanks in data files possible * slider for displaying sensitivities and model cell resolution Version 1.0 (10.04.02) * basic 2d dc inversion